So what about this Pearlfrog, where did that cockamamie name come from?
Come Grasshopper and sit at my knee and I shall tell you the very simple story.
Hippie nicknames...Mike had been called Frog by some of his brain addled friends of the time and Sue got tagged Pearl by a good friend, also addled, when the posthumous Janice Joplin album of the same name came out in 1970.
So those names kind of stir around in our lives for several years and one night we find ourselves sitting around a bonfire in the sierra of Ecuador kind of up in the hills above Otavalo with some Cuerpa de Paz friends and some Otavalos drinking a local brew and getting acquainted. Somehow the frog nickname came up and the Otovalos were impressed. It seems the frog, la rana, had a special place for them as a symbol of health and healing.
So we adopted the name that night, we decided we would form ourselves a company called Pearlfrog.
We were in Otavalo to buy goods for resale at the market (now a very famous and heavily trafficked market, back in 1977 it was trafficked by Aztecas and hippies) and we began referring to ourselves as Pearlfrog.
When we got home to Lawrence we got Marty Olsen to design the Pearlfrog logo for us.